
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 11/3/2016

Submitted by Eva Bramlett

CALL TO ORDER:        Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:50PM.

ATTENDEES:              Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Tim Hanna, Cedric Lindsay, Jessica Mess, Nichole Martino, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

                                Music Directors: Michael Lucas, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the 10/6/3016 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike mentioned that he has found an auxiliary percussion player for the concert who will be compensated $50.00 for each, a rehearsal and two concerts, an action previously voted on by the board.


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger has had a difficult time getting in touch with Mary Stremmel, our website designer. She has been ill, but Roger will continue his efforts in January. (The website is currently dysfunctional on the front-end for edits and updates.)


TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy has received the SCFD check and deposited into our account. She has as well transferred the money from our PayPal account into our checking account.

OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce has discovered that replacing our lost SCFD banner will cost $25.00.

In addition, Bruce is still trying to line up gigs and would like a piece of sample music to show those who are interested in having us play.


Change in By-Laws regarding hiring and spending: Roger provided an updated version of the By-Law for Article 3 to state:

“No general or specific financial commitments shall be consummated without formal pre-approval by a majority vote of the Board.

Furthermore, no financial commitment(s) may be approved by the Board that benefits any band member for band performances.”

The board approved the use of the first sentence but made the decision to table the second indefinitely.

Fundraiser application ideas to get more applications: The Board is currently looking for an individual to work for the band whose primary duty would be to raise funds for the band. We are currently receiving applications for those who have not had any prior experience and are open to suggestions on where to find those who have.

Cedric mentions that Ron Slinger, the Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Director for Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) may be able to fill the roll we are looking for. Cedric also states that we may not have to pay him directly as he may be paid through RRCC.

In addition, Cedric has been building a relationship with Dr. Harvey, the Vice President at RRCC in hopes to find more gigs for the band with the school.

New Business-

Planned rehearsals and board meetings over the holidays: The Board has voted that the next meeting will be the first week in January and the rehearsals in December will be the 8th and the 15th.

Scholarships: A unanimous vote by the board has approved a high school baritone saxophone player to start receiving a scholarship to play with the band.

Brian mentions that those who have a scholarship and would like to continue to receive one will need to reapply in January. Bruce will be providing Brian with a list of those who have scholarships so he can send an email reminding them to reapply.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.